
The George Eliot Fellowship


Price: £5.00

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Gabriel Woolf has supported the George Eliot Fellowship every year since 1969 when he performed a special selection of readings for the 150th anniversary of George Eliot’s birth.

He then did a selection of Eliot reading every year until 2019, usually to help the Fellowship build up some funds for its work. The 2019 selection was a repeat of the 1969 selection, except that the readings are now shared with Rosalind Shanks. Between them they make a formidable presentation and they have done readings all over the world.

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All profits from the sale of this recording go to the George Eliot Visitor Centre


  1. Brother and Sister from the sonnet sequence 4:22
  2. The Mill on the Floss Maggie, Torn and the rabbies 12:29
  3. Silas Marner Conversatoin at The Rainbow 10:35
  4. Daniel Derseda Grandcourt and Gweddolen meet 5:59

Total time 33:25

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The George Eliot Fellowship