George Eliot Review

The George Eliot Fellowship

An annual publication, The George Eliot Review, formerly known as The George Eliot Fellowship Review, was created by Kathleen Adams in 1970. Over the years, the Review has also been edited by Graham Handley, Beryl Gray, John Rignall, Michael Davis and Tonny van den Broek.

The present editors are John Rignall and Tonny van den Broek.

Contributions are welcome on any aspect of George Eliot’s life and works. Articles, normally around 4,000 to 5,000 words, should typed in double-spacing, observing modes of presentation set out in the MHRA style sheet, and with endnotes kept to a minimum. Alternatively, contributors may use either the author/date system or a list of Works Cited with references to those works given in brackets in the text.

Submissions should be accompanied by an abstract of about 100 words and sent as an email attachment to one of the editors: either Dr John Rignall at or Dr Tonny van den Broek at Books for reviews are also invited. The deadline for all submissions is the middle of December; the winning essay will be announced by the end of the following January.

The editors, together with one member of the Editorial Board*, also adjudicate the annual George Eliot Essay Prize competition (see ‘Essay Prize’ under ‘The Fellowship’). The winning essay will automatically be published in the Review, and all the other entries will also be considered for inclusion.

Back issues of the Review are available as digital files on this webpage (see the righthand column). Only some hard copies are still available and may be purchased by contacting Mr John Burton, 39 Lower Road, Barnacle, Coventry, CV7 9LD.

All the back issues of Review are also available at – a continually expanding and free website for all users anywhere in the world, which is edited by Dr Beverley Rilett, Associate Research Professor, Special Collections & Archives at Auburn University, Alabama., USA. As is the case on this website, the page images of the digital files reflect the originals. Nevertheless, the advantage of using this (US) digitized version is that users can search contents by year, issue number, author, genre and subject.

* The Editorial Board
Dr Rosemary Ashton (University College, London)
Dr Rosemary Bodenheimer (Boston College)
Dr Michael Davis (Universality of the West of England)
Dr Stephen Gill (Lincoln College, Oxford)
Dr Beryl Gray (Birkbeck, University of London)
Dr Margaret Harris (The University of Sydney
Dr Nancy Henry (University of Tennessee)
Dr Josephine McDonagh (University of Chicago)
Dr Beverley Rilett (Auburn University, Alabama)
Dr Helen Small (Pembroke College, Oxford)

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The George Eliot Fellowship