George Eliot Review

The George Eliot Fellowship


Price: £4.00

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Articles include:

Connor Page: 'Borne Along by a Wave': The Mill on the Floss as Music Drama (Prize Essay)

Robert Muscutt: The Importance of Location in the Portrayal of Rachel Poyser and Dinah Morris in Adam Bede

Delphine Gatehouse: 'You know nothing, dear Hetty, of the world in which I must always live': Placing Hetty and the Role of Toponomy

Eve Mason: Sibyls, Salons and Spinoza: The Philosophical Fiction of George Eliot and Fanny Lewald

June Skye Szirotny: The Real George Eliot

Gill Gregory: 'The Make-Believe of a Beginning': a Reading of Silas Marner

Beverley Park Rilett: The Photograph(s) of George Eliot

Plus Editor's note, theatre reviews, radio review, book reviews and reports

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The George Eliot Fellowship