George Eliot Review

The George Eliot Fellowship


Price: £4.00

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Articles include:

Georgia Walton: George Eliot's Enchanted Real (Essay Prize)

Beverley Park Rilett: The Portaits of a Lady

Gail Marshall: George Eliot's 'Network' of Readers

Victoria Addis: George Eliot's Debt to Richard Wagner

Justin Keena: Northrop Frye and the Genre of Middlemarch

Maria P Cisneros: George Eliot's Spanish in The Spanish Gypsy

June Skye Szirotny: The Mill on the Floss: A Tragic Story

Masako Ischii: Sympathy, Morality and Metaphor: 'Janet's Repentance' and 'Recollections of Ilfracombe'

Plus in memoriam, archive review, book reviews and reports.

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The George Eliot Fellowship