George Eliot Review 51
Articles include:
Ruth Livesey: George Eliot’s Provincial Life: New Acquisitions at the Beinecke Library
Beryl Gray: Cara Bray, George Eliot, and The Animal World
Nancy Henry: George Eliot’s Humans and Animals
Emily Butler-Probst: ‘They Read with Their Own Eye from Nature’s Own Book’: Imagining Whales in Impressions of Theophrastus Such (Essay Prize)
Esther Fernandez-Llorente: George Eliot and the Country House
Alison Liebling: Finding George Eliot in Prison: Reflections on its Moral Life
Constance M Fulmer: George Eliot According to Women Then and Now: A Comparison of Observations by her Contemporaries and Women Today
Kathy O’Shaughnessy: How I Came to Write a Novel about George Eliot
K.M. Newton: Cervantes, George Eliot, and Milan Kundera’s The Art of the Novel: An Introduction to a Panel Discussion
John Rignall: Vincent van Gogh and George Eliot
Conference reports from: Leicester (Sarah Barnette), Loughborough (Eleanor Dumbill) and the V&A (John Rignall)
Plus In memoria, book reviews, letters to the editor, bicentenary address at Westminster Abbey by Gabriel Woolf,and reports.