George Eliot Review

The George Eliot Fellowship


Price: £4.00

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Articles include:

Trenton B Olsen: Wordsworth, Darwin, and the Growth of the Mind in George Eliot’s Later Fiction (Essay Prize)

Valentine Cunningham: Imagining the Essence of Christianity: Religion, Heart, and Mind in George Eliot

William Hall: Adam’s Voice

June Skye Szirotny: Scholarliness in George Eliot Criticism

Michael Harris: George Eliot’s Clergymen

Denis Baylis: ‘Dancing on the Edge’: A Reading of The Spanish Gypsy

Tony Coopman: From a Freudian Point of View: The Development of Rosamund Vincy’s Personality

David Ball: A note on Realism in Adam Bede with Reference to two Novels by George Sand

Plus book reviews, reports, notes and the Birthday Lunch Address

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The George Eliot Fellowship